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Become a Prayer Warrior for Your Husband

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Do you ever feel unsure how to fight for your husband spiritually? Becoming a prayer warrior for him doesnโ€™t require perfectionโ€”just a heart surrendered to God.

As a wife, sometimes we feel helpless when it comes to the mental, spiritual, and/or emotional side of our husbands. Some donโ€™t like to share their feelings; some donโ€™t want to admit their struggles. Some are even in denial they have things they struggle with. But God has given us a weapon to use on behalf of our husbands.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
-2 Corinthians 10:4-5

What It Means to Be a Prayer Warrior

Being a prayer warrior means standing in the gap on behalf of your husbandโ€”fighting the battle for or with him.

It is a level above praying for his everyday needs โ€” this is a war for his soul and spiritual well-being. It will mean intention, sacrifice, faith, and patience. And to be frank, thatโ€™s just the beginning. Not only will you need to pray for strength for your husband, youโ€™ll need to pray it for yourself.

Being a prayer warrior puts a target on you. Itโ€™s draining emotionally, spiritually, and mentally which leads to physical exhaustion. But I promise you this: it is worth it.

Why Itโ€™s Vital to Pray for Your Husband

Sometimes husbands canโ€™t see clearly to fight for themselves. They are overwhelmed or oppressed and sometimes donโ€™t realize how much they need someone in their corner, fighting for them.

So many marriages today have spouses fighting against each other rather than together against the enemy who seeks to destroy them. Itโ€™s difficult when Satan is so cunning to make it appear our own husband is our enemy.

Praying for your husband helps to fight off the daily spiritual battles your husband faces. They are quite different from ours and they can take their toll, too. Your husband needs Godโ€™s guidance, strength, and blessings over his life. Other than his mom, no one else will pray for him as hard as you will.

As you pray for your husband, God will work in your heart, too, and help you see things you would not have otherwise seen. God will reveal things to you in prayer. This will not only give you some understanding, it will give you clarity and direction on how to pray.

5 Practical Steps to Become a Prayer Warrior

1 Pray Scripture Over Him โ€“ Choose verses tailored to his needs (e.g., wisdom, strength, leadership, a renewed love for God).
2 Ask God for Insight โ€“ Pray for wisdom to know how to support him spiritually.
3 Set Aside Specific Prayer Time โ€“ Develop a daily habit of praying for him. This is key. Every new day needs new prayers lifted up.
4 Speak Life, Not Criticism โ€“ Use your words to uplift and encourage, reflecting what youโ€™re praying for. Take care to pray in a life-giving way.
5 Use a Prayer Journal โ€“ Write down your prayers and Godโ€™s faithfulness. This helps you stay focused as well as create a testimony of Godโ€™s hand in your husbandโ€™s life.

The Struggle of Staying Consistent

Itโ€™s easy to feel discouraged or distracted. It will take time to strengthen the muscle of being consistent in prayer. Just remember the power of small, consistent, and faithful prayers. But donโ€™t forget about the power of intercessory prayer. This will transform your husband and your marriage. It will also build your faith. It will strengthen your relationship with God and your husband.

You donโ€™t need to wait for a conflict to pray. In fact, itโ€™s best to be proactive and pray before a conflict โ€” not just for your husband but for you as well. Pray for wisdom on how to work through it and what your role is.

I have prayed numerous prayers for my husband when God has spoken to me about a way He wants to move in us or our family. Especially if it was something big, Iโ€™d always โ€œtellโ€ God, โ€œYouโ€™re telling my husband!โ€ Because often, they just receive it better coming from the Holy Spirit.

God has a way of moving hearts like no one else can. Donโ€™t underestimate His power. He wants to help, heal, and transform your husband even more than you do. Are you willing to put in the prayer time to help make that happen?

Start Today

Start today by choosing one area to pray over for your husband. Write it down, and watch how God moves in both his life and yours. Prayer can build a stronger marriage.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • For His Leadership: “Lord, guide my husband in leading with wisdom, humility, and love.”
  • For His Work: “Bless the work of his hands, and give him strength for his responsibilities.”
  • For His Faith: “Draw him closer to You daily, strengthening his trust in Your promises.”

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
-Ecclesiastes 4:12

A disclaimer regarding destructive/abusive marriages:

I know many women who have gone to their pastors to seek council about an abusive husband and rather than hold the husband accountable, the wife was told she should pray more and trust God.

I never want to diminish the power of prayer because I believe in it wholeheartedly โ€” however โ€” I also 100% believe that each spouse needs accountability in marriage. If you belong to a church body, at least one trusted person within that body should know if you don not feel safeโ€”this includes emotionally safe just as it does physically.

If you have talked to people and no one will listen, you find someone who will.

Download your free 30-day prayer guide here: 30-Day Prayer Guide for Your Husband

In His Grace,


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