The Story of Our Adoption 10 Years Later
Adoption always starts with tragedy and trauma. It’s messy and complicated but no less beautifully redemptive. Disclaimer: Both my adopted daughters,…
Five Years After Our Adopted Daughters Came Home
I share this update as a testimony to God’s glory and no other reason. If other adoptive families are encouraged by…
Six Months of Adoption Transition
I know I haven’t offered an update since our girls came home from Ghana. I think partly because there has been…
Our Girls are HOME!
After 2 years…after 18 months since first seeing their beautiful faces, we are finally home with our daughters. And hey…we broke…
Hope Does Not Disappoint
It has been quite a while since I’ve shared any kind of update on my blog regarding our adoption. In fact,…
New Season of Waiting
Yesterday morning, I was greeted with an email regarding our adoption. My heart leapt when I first saw it. I didn’t…
Faithful God
The last 8 weeks have been hard to endure, but some of it has been because I have had the wrong…
Wait, Watch, Wait
Adoption means: Wait. Watch. Wait. That has been the cycle these past weeks. Wait for word. Watch as other families bring…
The Abundance is Coming {Coffee Break}
It’s been over a week since my last coffee break, when I shared about my struggles of waiting through our adoption…
Confessions of a Waiting Adoptive Mom {Coffee Break}
Today is my first, official, Coffee Break. The goal is to just write and forget all blogging rules. It’s good to have…