Inviting women to seek & savor the beauty of life in Christ


  • The Story of Our Adoption 10 Years Later

    The Story of Our Adoption 10 Years Later


    Adoption always starts with tragedy and trauma. It’s messy and complicated but no less beautifully redemptive. Disclaimer: Both my adopted daughters,…

  • Five Years After Our Adopted Daughters Came Home

    Five Years After Our Adopted Daughters Came Home


    I share this update as a testimony to God’s glory and no other reason. If other adoptive families are encouraged by…

  • Six Months of Adoption Transition

    Six Months of Adoption Transition


    I know I haven’t offered an update since our girls came home from Ghana. I think partly because there has been…

  • Our Girls are HOME!


    After 2 years…after 18 months since first seeing their beautiful faces, we are finally home with our daughters. And hey…we broke…

  • Hope Does Not Disappoint


    It has been quite a while since I’ve shared any kind of update on my blog regarding our adoption. In fact,…

  • New Season of Waiting


    Yesterday morning, I was greeted with an email regarding our adoption. My heart leapt when I first saw it. I didn’t…

  • Faithful God


    The last 8 weeks have been hard to endure, but some of it has been because I have had the wrong…

  • Wait, Watch, Wait


    Adoption means: Wait. Watch. Wait. That has been the cycle these past weeks. Wait for word. Watch as other families bring…

  • The Abundance is Coming {Coffee Break}


    It’s been over a week since my last coffee break, when I shared about my struggles of waiting through our adoption…

  • Confessions of a Waiting Adoptive Mom {Coffee Break}


    Today is  my first, official, Coffee Break. The goal is to just write and forget all blogging rules. It’s good to have…

Have any questions? Feel free to DM me on Instagram!