I started praying for my first child before she was even conceived. Throughout the years I have used prayer journals to help me focus and pray for each of my children. There were seasons I was more consistent in this than others. But one vital lesson I have learned by praying for my kids is that prayer works.
One of the reasons I choose to journal prayers is so I can go back and see the faithfulness of God. He always answers even if it’s not the way I would have imagined it. Yet it is always in the best interest of all. And often, I’m changed for the better as well.
Prayer is my Lifeline, Not a Luxury
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2
I don’t wait to pray until there’s a crisis. Though, when my kids were little, I would send up “flare prayers”. One time in the middle of the chaos, I said aloud to God that I needed help because I’m “losing my patience.” My 4-year old proceeded to walk up, lay his little hands on me and pray to God to give me more patience.
As my kids have grown, I have recognized the need to be more intentional in my prayer life. Not only do I want to pray good things into the lives of my children, but I also pray ahead of the challenging seasons that are sure to come. I’d rather be more prepared then reactive. I pray because I need to, not just because I need things from God.
I desire to know Him more deeply and for Him to shape my heart. Prayer is intimacy, and the more often you talk with Him, the more you sense His presence in everything. It’s not always about changing circumstances; sometimes it’s about cultivating our own hearts to face them with grace.
Different Ways to Pray
This, then, is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6:9-13
It’s so easy to run to God when we need something — and He does encourage it!! Does God want us to be dependent on Him? Yes!! And we can still ask but there are many different ways for us to pray that we may not realize we’re missing out on. As moms, not only can we pray for our children and our own hearts, but we should stop to listen for His voice.
We can praise Him, adore Him, and worship Him. Prayer is about conversation, not just asking and receiving. Always asking isn’t a relationship—it’s a transaction. Prayer includes thanksgiving, confession, and repentance. All of the different facets of prayer work together.
When we stop and listen, we can hear what He’s asking of us, also. I promise you change will be inevitable in your heart if you make prayer a daily, hourly, by-the-minute practice. In between needs, don’t stop praying. Send adorations up to God. Offer Him gratitude.
“God, I adore you because you are a good, good Father who loves my children even more than I do. Thank you for entrusting their care to me.”
Create a Prayer Rhythm
…pray continually…
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Given that there is more to prayer than asking, why not create a rhythm of prayer throughout the day? It could be times of day mixed with circumstances. Bring your children into the rhythm. Use lunchtime as a time of gratitude. If your kids are older, simply talk about your prayer life in front of them. Older kids tend to get more private in their relationship with God but you can still be open about yours.
Here’s a sample rhythm:
- Early morning can be your sacred time with Jesus–slow and intimate. Just you and Him. Open your Bible and listen.
- Once the house gets moving, put on some praise and worship. Singing praises back to God is prayer, too.
- Thank God for the big things and the little things at lunchtime. Ann Voskamp has a wonderful resource to help you with this: The Joy Dare
- When there is a lull in the afternoon, sneak away to pray for a child’s needs and heart. Only God is the changer of hearts, and prayer is the best tool and weapon.
- Confess when you make a mistake. Sometimes we yell, confess to your child and to God. It cleanses your soul and builds trust with your child.
- Listen for God. Simply tune your ear to Him and be attentive.
- Pray with your kids at bed time. Ask them for prayer requests but also, pray adorations with them so they learn prayer isn’t just asking.
- Before your bedtime, read a Psalm or two, pray the words back to God. Thank Him. Trust Him. Adore Him.
If you aren’t familiar with praying continually, it will take a bit of intention before it comes as easily as breathing. Don’t give up, no matter how many times you forget. Keep showing up. Developing a prayer life is a lifelong pilgrimage.
Let Go of the Guilt
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
If your prayer life doesn’t look how you want, don’t allow guilt to rob you. God is not out to make you feel guilty. He’s inviting you in and waiting so very patiently for you. He’s not annoyed or offended. No guilt is of God.
If you miss a time of prayer because you slept in or a circumstance arises and you didn’t go to God in prayer right away, it’s ok! Just keep pressing in. Your prayer life doesn’t need to look perfect all the time. The most important thing is to be humble and consistent. Just keep showing up — no matter how much time goes by. Show up again. He’s not angry.
Entertaining guilt and condemnation will only hinder you longer from showing up — which is exactly what Satan wants.
Cultivating a heart for prayer is about allowing God to work in your heart just as much as you want Him to work in your children’s hearts. There are so many things He wants to show you, teach you, and free you from. But you need to show up—not just physically, but willingly.
The best thing you can pair prayer with is reading the Bible.
Don’t underestimate the power of being a praying mom. Not a mom who only prays for things, but a mom who is so connected with God, she doesn’t fear for the future. (Proverbs 31:25). A mom who is so in tune with the things of God, she knows nothing can stand against Him. No evil plots, no schemes of the enemy. She knows that sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning!
If you’re looking for more direction on praying as a mom, I recommend:
Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood –by Brooke McGlothlin
In His Grace,
P.S. Come hang out with me on Instagram.
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