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Build a Morning Routine That Reflects Your Priorities

Building a morning routine that aligns with your priorities helps you boost productivity. This approach lets you make space for things that matter. See how you can make the most of your mornings.
Iโm a production-driven person who hates wasting time, and to me, everything is a priority. Everything I choose to do or must do matters.
I admit, pinning down my priorities specifically for the morning is tough because there are a lot of activities that are best done in the morning: bible reading/prayer, exercise, gardening and yard work, and creative work. The problem is, there isnโt enough time to fit it all in. So how did I choose?
Waking Up Early
I beat myself up for years nearly every morning that I slept til 7am or later. I woke up automatically feeling behind in my day because there were so many things I wanted to accomplish in the morning hours. But waking up late pushes those vital things out or rushes me through them. Neither were ideal. Yes, Iโm an idealist. I like to aim high.
So, I had to make the decision to either continue to waste my life waking up late, beating myself up about it, and not accomplishing my goals -OR- I could quit complaining and recognize and utilize the power in Christ I have to get out of bed at 5AM like I want to,
That might sound dramatic, but it really wasnโt for me. I have wanted to do it for years, but I just couldnโt muster up the willpower to get out of bed when the time came. Also, I often had trouble falling asleep, and sleep is important. As Iโve changed my health routine, Iโm beginning to fall asleep more easily.
So waking up early may be something you want to seriously consider. I am SO SO happy when I get up early and get the quiet, darkness of the house to myself (well, I share it with my cats) and get to spend unhurried time with the Lord. Which leads me to sharing the next step.
Choosing the Best Priorities for Your Morning
You may know immediately what your top 3 priorities are for your mornings. Depending on what season of life youโre in, youโll want to choose them wisely. Make sure they are practical and make sense for where you are right now.
If you have small children who are early risers, you may find it more challenging to get up early for that quiet alone time. Thatโs ok! Time with the Lord doesnโt necessarily need to be quiet all the time.
Choose 3 priorities that are non-negotiable and start there. Once you get them pretty cemented into your morning, you can add 1 or 2 smaller priorities. For example:
My top 3 priorities are:
- Read my Bible/pray/journal (yes, thatโs all part of the same priority)
- Exercise
- Creative work
I have teens and young adults so Iโm able to leave the house as I please which I know is a huge perk as a mom. If youโre not there yet, youโll get there. Itโs like a badge of honor you earn after putting in x amount of years haha!
These are more time-heavy pursuits that I want to be sure happen before the day takes off. My creative work leads into my online ministry/business. It includes writing, painting, and creating IG reels. Some days I do just one the entire time, and some I get all 3 in. It just depends on where the flow of creativity takes me. Building my morning routine ensures I make time for things that matter.
For you they may be activities like emptying the dishwasher, putting on face cream and a little make up, and brushing your teeth. It all counts! If those are your priorities in the morning, then make them happen.
Prioritize Your Tasks at the Right Times
Once you choose your priorities, you then need to choose the best times in the morning to do them. This is where the practical side comes in.
You may not want to get into an activity that requires a lot of mental focus if you have a toddler awake and following you around. Actually, might be a good priority to spend some snuggle time with said toddler first, fill their little love tank, and then maybe sneak in 10 or 15 minutes of Bible and journaling.
If you try doing an activity at the wrong time, you will only grow frustrated either with yourself or with your kids. Sometimes we need to be realistic rather than idealistic.
Turn Your Morning Priorities into Habits
Once youโve chosen and set your priorities, build your morning routine with them and start working it. Tweak them as needed; whether itโs the time you chose or the amount of time they take. Find your rhythm and then keep in step with it.
The thing about habits is that there is no set amount of time to form one. Because a habit is indefinite. They may evolve or be expounded on, but a habit is a habit because itโs done consistently forever.
Get to a place where you donโt need to think about it anymore, itโs just automatic. Donโt allow the chaos or circumstances of your morning rob your priorities. With a bit of intention, determination and lots of empowerment from Jesus, you can turn your mornings into a powerhouse of productivity and peace.
Building a morning routine will help you set the whole tone for your day. It gives you direction, consistency, and predictibility.
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Christin Slade
Inviting women to seek & savor the beauty of life in Christ.
Writer. Artist. Visionary.
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