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4 Ways To Overcome The Winter Blues
The winter blues can hit you out of nowhere. Are you feeling kinda down, tired, or have no motivation? Try these 4 ideas…
Once the holidays are over, the breaks are over and it’s back to the grind, here in the Midwest, we settle in for a long, dreary winter.
It just hits unexpectedly. I feel tired, unmotivated, and even a little depressed. I suddenly have little desire to tackle the goals I had such excitement over just the week before.
The days are short, cold, and gray. Everything outside is seemingly dead and dull. It certainly doesn’t inspire creativity.
Something I’ve learned when it comes to having an even mood and results in anything is consistency.
If you’re consistent in feeding negative thought patterns, you will be consistent in leading a negative life. Everything will be against you, in your eyes.
But, if you’re consistent in thinking empowering thoughts, and taking action on what can help you, you’re less likely to find yourself stuck. That’s not to say depression doesn’t happen ever but there are steps to take that can minimize that happening. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you find nothing else helps.
Here are a few things that help me beat the winter blues:
1. Regular exercise
I walk at least 2 miles daily and strength train 4-5 days a week. This helps my mood tremendously. Keeping my body moving and blood flowing helps keep my thoughts affirming. It has taken me years to develop this discipline and I have to take care that I do not make excuses not to show up. Thirty minutes of exercise is truly enough to make an impact. And don’t underestimate the power of walking.
2. Plenty of sleep
Your body needs adequate time to recover each day—and more so if you’re fighting off an illness. Make sleep a priority in your life. Good sleep builds upon itself and helps keep your body and mind healthy.
3. Time outside
We don’t value outdoor time the way we should. Early morning sunlight is good for you in so many ways. It can improve your sleep quality and overall mood. It can boost energy levels and alertness to help you throughout the day. So, take a walk outside and you’ll increase your mood significantly.
4. Good nutrition
Good food equals a good mood. It’s just a fact. When we eat better, we feel better. Our body operates more efficiently and our minds follow suit. The body and brain are connected. What we do for our body, we do for our brain.
Consistency in all these areas is the key to their power. The more you do them daily, the more momentum they build and work in your favor.
Joyfully His,
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Author Profile
Christin Slade
Encouraging moms to savor the beauty of home and life in Christ.
Writer. Artist. Visionary.
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