Inviting women to seek & savor the beauty of life in Christ

Living Generously: The True Gift of Giving to Others

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Experience the joy of giving and its transformative effect on our hearts. Learn how living a life of generosity brings blessings to ourselves and others.

I think we can all agree we are blessed with so much. We are given the gift of life, of time, and of talent. Everything we have comes from God because of His generosity in giving His son. He demonstrates His love for us this way.

For God so loved the world that He GAVEโ€ฆ. John 3:16a

I often hear other Christians say that verse is โ€œtoo basicโ€ because every Christian knows it. Friend, that verse is anything but basic. Yes, we know itโ€ฆbut do we live it? Do we live a life where we so love the people around us that we GIVE?

The world tells us to protect our peace, but what if we instead pursued His peace?

His peace goes beyond human understanding and you wouldnโ€™t need to cut people out of your life who need to see the Light of Jesus shine through you. This is a gift God gives us so we can also give to others.

I understand how hard it is to give when you feel empty of anything left to give. The only Person who can fill that emptiness is the Lord Jesus. When we find ourselves in this place, we need to go to Him to be filled. Then, we can use that to give to others.

Give the Gift of Time

One of the most precious things we can give people is our time because you canโ€™t get it back once time is spent. But when we choose to invest in someoneโ€™s heart, soul, and/or spirit, not only do we give them treasure, but we also store up treasure for ourselves in heaven.

Typically, we think of a service project or handing out food to the poor, which are both great ways to provide! But, prayer is one of the greatest gifts of time we can give someone. When we pray, we invest in their spiritual lives in ways we may never have comprehended.

Give the Gift of Money

People get squirrely about money for a few reasons, I think.

First, we always need to spend money on bills, food, house/car maintenance, kids, etc. It seems there is always more to do than we have the money to do it with. Iโ€™m starting to think it will always be that way so long as we have a limited mindset of Godโ€™s wealth. Yes, there will always be something we need to spend money on, but there are always people in need, too.

Another reason we hesitate with money is we want to know โ€œourโ€ hard-earned money isnโ€™t going to be squandered or used in vain. Whether we give to the church, to a homeless person, or to a young family in need, itโ€™s there, in the back of our minds, wondering if our money will go to waste by giving it. But you see, itโ€™s not for us to worry about that. If God calls us to give, we give cheerfully and out of obedience, and what is done with the money is between them and God.

But trulyโ€ฆmoney is just money. Itโ€™s a tool that God trusts us with what He gives usโ€”whether through a job or some other meansโ€”to use as He calls us to. It may seem at first that it will put us short on a bill or something else we need, but God always shows up when we are faithful. We must remember God gives in abundance so we can give, too.

There is a little bit of wisdom that goes with giving money. You’ll need to listen for the Holy Spirit so He can direct you.

Give the Gift of Wisdom

Passing on wisdom is truly a gift for the willing recipient. God gives wisdom to all who ask, and He gives it generously. He desires that we live rich, abundant lives in Him, and having wisdom helps us make the best decisions to fulfill that desire.

One of the best ways to pass on wisdom is to mentor other people who are hungry for it. You canโ€™t pass on wisdom to people who are unwilling to hear it. But for the one who comes asking, it will be better than treasure for them. If someone wants to learn from you, your experience, your successes and failures, donโ€™t turn them away. They trust you.

The Gift of Giving

Give the Gift of Material Items

God often gives in abundance so that we can pay it forward to others. We all have more than we really need and if we all gave out of our abundance, there would be no one in need. Imagine that for just a moment.

By gifting out the extra we already have, we can care for those who donโ€™t have enough: blankets, coats, food, and furniture. There really is no end to the things we can provide. It doesnโ€™t always have to be out of necessity, either. We can gift books, movies, games, and artโ€”all the things that help make life a little sweeter. This is how God designed us to liveโ€”to give.

Give the Gift of Your Talent

God has gifted each of us with a talent that He wants us to use to bless others. What is it you’re nearly naturally good at? Something that simply practicing would help you easily develop your talent? Maybe you have several. It could be writing, singing, organizing, painting, or gardening. Whatever it is, God has given it to you to use for His glory.

Seek Him and see how He wants you to use it to bless others.

He called us to be givers. People need us to be givers, and there will come a time, or several times, when we will need our people to be givers. The gift is in the giving.


Be The Gift: Let Your Brokenness Be Turned Into Abundance by Ann Voskamp

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