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A Fun Way to Teach Your Preschooler Reading Concepts
Teaching your preschooler reading is made easy by developing your child’s pre-reading skills with engaging activities and lessons.
My 4-year old daughter loves to do things with me, especially while I’m trying to work on lessons with her older siblings. So, I thought it would be a great idea to get her a curriculum of her own.
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All About Learning Press delighted me by agreeing to send me their entire preschool pre-reading package to try out. We both LOVE it and I am super excited to be able to share this with you.
This curriculum helps me to be intentional to sit down with my preschooler and learn with her. If you have older children at home whom you homeschool, you know that the little ones don’t always get the focused attention in this area, and I’m learning, they need it just as much, if not more, than their older siblings.
Yes, there are a lot of freebies out there, but it costs a lot of time to go through and find everything you need. Some moms have that time and some don’t. This is something worth investing in, one way or another.
Imagine my daughter’s delight when I told her she could color on her finger with marker! She made cute fingerprint “peanuts” for her elephant. I love that it’s hands-on, but not overwhelmingly so.
My two year old also loves doing this alongside his sister. It helps him learn to recognize each letter of the alphabet by name. It also helps him hone his crafting skills. Cutting, coloring, and painting are important for developing fine motor skills. These work and strengthen the muscles in their fingers so they can properly hold a pencil and write well in the future.
All of my children got a kick out of me doing rhyming games with Ziggy the Zebra puppet (not pictured here *wink*).
This is a hands-on curriculum, which I think is essential to help with retention in young children.
The All About Reading Pre-Reading Deluxe Kit comes with a teacher’s manual, a student book containing the letters/craft pages, flashcards with box, 2 readers, Ziggy the Zebra puppet, two posters, a progress chart with stickers, a CD-R for letter sounds, and a handy tote bag to carry it all in!
This kit is well worth every penny, and I love the time it helps me set aside to spend with my two youngest. They learn {with little preparation} and spend valuable time with mommy!
If you have older children, All About Learning Press has higher levels of teaching reading. You can check them out here. I plan to get the next level up (Level 1) once my daughter completes this program. I find it’s quite affordable and just enough work to keep her attention.
See my review for Level 1 here.
All About Learning Press graciously sent me the deluxe package to review. All opinions are my own and I endorse their company. This post contains affiliate links. You can read more by checking my disclosure here.
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Christin Slade
Encouraging moms to savor the beauty of home and life in Christ.
Writer. Artist. Visionary.